Neodymium vs. Ferrite Magnets in Speakers

November 03, 2021

Neodymium vs. Ferrite Magnets in Speakers

Are you wondering what type of magnet is better for your speaker? Let's dive into the technical details and compare Neodymium and Ferrite magnets in speakers.

What are Neodymium and Ferrite magnets?

Neodymium magnets, also known as NdFeB or Neo magnets, are made of an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron. They are strong, lightweight, and affordable. They are commonly used in many applications, including speakers.

Ferrite magnets, also known as ceramic magnets, are made of a type of ceramic that contains iron oxide. They are heavier and less expensive than neodymium magnets. Ferrite magnets are also used in many applications, including speakers.

Comparing Neodymium and Ferrite magnets in speakers

Strength and size

One of the biggest advantages of neodymium magnets is their strength. They are the strongest type of magnet available for speakers. This strength allows for a smaller magnet size, which can lead to a smaller overall speaker size or a larger speaker voice coil for increased power handling. On the other hand, ferrite magnets are not as strong as neodymium magnets, which means they must be larger in size for similar performance.

Frequency response

Neodymium magnets can improve the frequency response of a speaker. This is because they have a more uniform magnetic field, which can reduce distortion and improve the accuracy of the sound. Ferrite magnets may produce a slight coloration or dull the sound due to their weaker magnetic fields.


The cost is one of the main factors to consider when choosing between neodymium and ferrite magnets. Ferrite magnets are less expensive than neodymium magnets due to their simpler manufacturing process and lower material costs.


Overall, neodymium magnets are a great choice for high-performance speakers where size and weight are important. Ferrite magnets are a good choice for budget-friendly options where performance is not a top priority. Both magnets have their advantages and disadvantages, and ultimately, the choice comes down to personal needs and preferences.


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